If you are worried you are paying too much for your water bills, you may be considering a switch from water rate bills to a water meter as unlike gas or electricity, you cannot just switch your water provider. For some households in England and Wales, switching to a meter can save up to £200 a year.
According to water industry regulator Ofwat, around 40% of customers in England and Wales already pay for metered water, but targets have been set for water companies to increase this figure to 50% by 2015.
Most people are entitled to a free water meter so if you think that you could make savings by having one installed, you can find necessary information about getting a water meter fitted by contacting your water company. Save Water Save Money has also come up with few simple tips on how to get a water meter installed below:
Most domestic customers in England and Wales can have a water meter installed free of charge, subject to a satisfactory survey. The only exception would be when it is unreasonably expensive or impractical for the water company to install a meter. Examples include when the internal stop tap has to be replaced or when a water meter has to be moved after it has already been installed (the customer is always asked to consent to the location of the water meter). In these circumstances the customer would need to pay for the installation of the water meter, although the meter itself would be free. If a water meter cannot be fitted then the customer can be put on an alternative billing known as assessed charges.