Think shower power. A five minute shower uses a third less water than a bath
Sprung a leak? Check with food colouring - if it seeps from your toilet tank into the bowl, then yep you’ve got a leak. Get a plumber to fix it and save up to 13,785 litres a month.
With water it’s about being a turn off, not a turn on. So whether you’re washing your hair, your hands or brushing your teeth - turn off the tap.
Be a careful flusher. Only flush when you really need too.
Be quick about it. Cut a minute or two from your shower with a timer and save up to 568 litres a month.
Get water by the bucket load; just keep a bucket in the shower to catch water as it warms up.
Splash out on a BathBuoy. Our innovative bath toy makes saving water child’s play.
Put a plug in it – then adjust the water’s temperature while the bath fills up.
When you’ve got to go, you’ve got to go. So fit a Cistern Water Saver and save up to three litres with every flush.
In the Kitchen
Stack up those dirty dishes – in your dishwasher that is. Our efficient dishwashers use 10% of the water used for washing-up in the sink.
Plants aren’t fussy, just thirsty, so give them a drink with water used to rinse fruit and veg, as well as from saucepans (cooled of course).
For those things that do need to be washed in the sink, use a bowl and boil the kettle instead of warming up the hot tap by leaving it to run.
Ting! Zap frozen food in the microwave, or plan ahead by defrosting it overnight in the fridge.
Fill ‘em before you run ‘em. Only run a full washing machine and dishwasher.
Hot day? For cold water on tap, that’s not on tap, fill bottles or jugs of water in the fridge and glug away.
Give your fruit and vegetables a soak. Rinse food in a pan of water instead of running water from the tap.
Dry sweep your kitchen floor and only mop up messy spots rather than the whole floor. In fact, just mop once a week and put your feet up.
Be exact. Fill your kettle with the amount of water you need.
Fit a Tap Aerator. They don’t cost much, are easy to install and you’ll save water every time you turn on the tap.
Around the House
Drip, drip, drip. Get your taps in tip top condition: one dripping tap can waste 5,000 litres a year.
Make a clean sweep; tidy your driveway with a broom.
Make your pipes cosy. Insulation will get you hot water faster and avoid wasting water while it heats up.
Don’t forget outside. Check outdoor taps, sprinklers and hoses for leaks.
Install a Water Meter. Find out if it’s right for you in our handy guide to water meters.
Get hands on. Use a sponge and bucket to clean your car.
It might sound a bit fishy, but recycle the nutrient-rich water from your fish tank to keep your house plants happy.
No hose? Don’t fret, get yourself a water efficient Hand Pump Pressure Washer instead.
Find the right appliance. Our water saving washing machines use no more than 45 litres per wash compared to 151 litres used by most machines.
Be cool. Don’t set your thermostat too high and you won’t need to add cold water to cool really hot water down.
In the Garden
Butt in. Collect water (when it does rain) in a Water Butt and use it in your garden and for cleaning your car.
Multi-task. Wash your car or pets on the lawn, or put the sprinkler out for the kids and quench the grass while you’re there.
Be an early bird or a night owl. Watering your garden in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler minimizes evaporation.
Give thirsty containers and pots a helping hand; gels keep the moisture locked in.
Spread it about a bit – mulch that is. A layer of mulch around plants retains moisture.
Missing your hose? Our water efficient Hand Pump Pressure Washer has a fine jet, perfect for watering the garden.
Hoe, hoe hoe. Hoeing is jolly good for stimulating plant growth, reducing water loss and removing weeds.
Bury ice cubes under the soil in hanging baskets, planters and pots to give your plants a cool drink of water and stop water overflowing.
Let it grow. Dormant grass only needs watering every three weeks, less if it rains. If you can’t resist mowing, use a high setting so roots stay moist in the shade.
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